10 mile TTT, 1st place in Womens B (and I think our time would have been 2nd in Womens A behind MIT). It was pretty rainy and wet, and we (Diana, Kris, and I) hadn't practiced riding much together, so it was surprisingly good. Diana really pulled me through the final hills and made such a huge difference.

The road race was originally to be 40 miles, then a lot of women petitioned the race directors to make it 60 (so that it would be the same distance as the Men's B race). Then, they decided it would be 60, but anyone more than 10 min behind the front rider after two laps would be pulled and placed. As it turned out, the race went up a pretty significant mountain each lap, which was very hard but kind of fun, with a feed zone right before the descent back down to the start. Anyway, Katie was so far ahead of everyone that only 3 people _weren't_ pulled after 2 laps; and frankly, after riding mostly alone or with one other person for a few hours and after the morning TTT, I was ready to be done!
The final race of the ECCC season was kind of a mess; the roads were wet, and there was a sharp S-turn in the middle of the course, so there were tons of crashes and falls. I flatted only 2 laps in so had to run to the pit (for the first time ever) and have them get me a new wheel. Soon after, I won some points in a prime. Then I was pulled. Not very exciting -- I think my total riding time was only ~15 min (though plenty of other people were pulled early too).
Season Overall:
In terms of cumulative points, I ended up 2nd in women's B for the season!!! That was really exciting, though I think it says more about my TT ability than bike-handling or real road racing skills (hence the reason I do well in the bike portions of triathlon...)
MIT dominated the overall conference omnium, div 1 and 2! It was really a fun season, with so many promising new riders and so many great races. Looking forward to next year! (but first, I need a break, and some triathlons)
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